Bachelor of Science Own Degree in

Commercial Pilot for Passenger and Cargo Transport

(Certified by Burgos University in accordance with art.36 of Royal Decree RD822/2021), with a Frozen EASA Airline Transport Pilot License ATPL and a Commercial Pilot License CPL

Degree Presentation

The University of Burgos incorporates the next academic year 24-25 the Bachelor of Science Own Degree in Commercial Pilot for Passenger and Cargo Transport. In three Academic Courses, graduate students will be able to work as pilots with an official international flight license on regular airlines and work on ground positions thanks to the competences acquired within the 204 ECTs that will be offered.

Burgos University Degree Information

Senior proffessors and certified personal by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) will integrate the academic team supporting the lectures of the Degree.

In the first academic course, contents will endorse specific Integrated Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) subjects and flight instruction practices. Lectures will take place in the university facilities whilst instrumental activities, flight simulator training (Airbus A320 and Boeing 737) and flight instruction will take place at the Burgos Airport.

  In the second academic course, contents will endorse remaining ATPL subjects and air navigation subjects. Moreover, flight instruction will continue being a relevant portion of activities.

  In the third academic course, students will complete their competences and skills by attending a wide range of aeronautical subjects, simulator sessions and flight instruction tutorials.

Throughout the degree, students will have the chance of enriching their wisdom in aeronautical competences by attending seminars with experts and visiting aerospace enterprises.

All lectures will be in-class and in streaming and provided in English language. Academic course starts October 7th, 2024.


At academic level, it will be an essential requirement to hold one of the following:
– High School Certificate. If you are Spanish citizen you must have passed EBAU exam. There is not minimum grade to access to the Degree
– Higher technical qualification of professional training.
– Medium technical qualification of professional training. If you are Spanish citizen you must have passed EBAU exam.
– College Degree (preferred at technical oriented degree)
– University access test for people over 25 years old
If you are international student any equivalent approve certificate

In terms of language skills, the following will be required:

  • Level B1 (english) or higher at the beginning of the degree
  • Equivalent B1 level (a certificate is not mandatory, but if you have it, please, attach it at the time you do your enrollment)

Regarding other mandatory requirements, it will be necessary to have:

  • EASA Class 1 Medical Certificate. To be taken upon arrival to Spain:
    This exam will be conducted by an accredited aeronautical medical center and will be managed by the University of Burgos.
    For specific information about the EASA Class 1 Medical Certificate please go to the next URL: Medical Rule Book from page 48 to 112
  • Passing our admission tests which include Personality, English, Mathematics and Physics.
  • Copy of your passport / VISA / National identity document (Spanish citizens).

Enrollment Steps